Membership Benefits Skip to main content

Membership Benefits

Access to Research Across the NSF Center for e-Design

The Center for e-Design Membership Agreement outlines the general benefits that accrue to its members; consider sections D, F, G, H and I. This advantage in number occurs because you have access to all research/products developed in the participating Center for e-Design site universities, of which BYU is one.

Additional benefits at the BYU site

Membership in the BYU CADLab site provides additional benefits derived from more intimate participation in the realization of a new multi-user paradigm in the use of computer-aided applications (CAx). Our research has the potential to greatly increase design and manufacturing productivity in engineering core companies, with similar interests, and in computer application suppliers for those companies. In fact, some member representatives have referred to our research as game changing. It is practical and highly focused on industry. We appeal to research students having that same focus.

What members do at and for the BYU CADLab site

While most research and implementation will be done by faculty and researchers at BYU, members can provide relevant use cases, help set project specifications, and provide test environments in which prototype architectures and codes can be deployed outside the university. Member personnel can evaluate and critique the multi-user research, and provide suggestions for research perturbations.

Enhanced interaction at the BYU CADLab

While the Center for e-Design provides a semi-annual forum for interacting with sites, faculty and researchers, we prefer to have more regular interaction with our site members. The frequency of this interaction and the staff of the member company that is engaged will be determined as we work with the company’s designated Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) appointee. Published journal papers, theses/dissertations, conference proceedings, reports, etc. are made available to our members in a number of formats. We present a monthly progress report to our members and provide an opportunity for our members to contribute news items relating to collaboration and multi-user environments. Members are given the passwords for access to protected research areas.

No overhead

BYU has decided to not apply any overhead to your membership funds; thus 100% of your funds support student researchers.

Current Projects

Current research that is being conducted under the projects accepted in our last IAB meeting include:

  • e-Handbook for Collaborative Engineering
  • Multi-user NX Part and Assembly Modeling, Advanced Simulation, Drafting
  • Multi-user CATIA Part and Assembly Modeling
  • Multi-user Cubit (FEA)
  • Model decomposition for multi-user CAx environments
  • MMORPG Scalability/Serving of NXConnect, CATIAConnect and CubitConnect
  • Layering CAx environments for multi-user CAx robustness and efficiencies
  • Dynamic Multi-user Design Reviews
  • NX Skype, audio logging of design rational
  • Data Consistency; Object locking, Conflict Resolution and Persistence of Cloud Model
  • Security
  • Multi-user Viewport Tracking