What is the CADLab?
The CADLab is an NSF I/UCRC Center site that falls under the NSF sponsored Center for e-Design
BYU will focus on artificial limitations in CAx applications that prohibit several product engineers from working collaboratively and simultaneously on product models. We note that current computer operating systems and computer aided applications are designed for single users with single screen cursors. By leveraging advances in networks, networked multi-user gaming technologies, and by modifying core API libraries, we will permit one or more users to simultaneously modify one or more product models on one or more computers, greatly reducing product development design to manufacturing cycle times.
Industrial/Government Members Drive CADLab R&D
You will play an active role in identifying, approving and monitoring the research projects conducted by the CADLab site. The research has strong basic and applied activities, and will be of immediate relevance to your computer-aided applications.
The Center for e-Design Relationship
Becoming a member of the BYU CADLab site means that you automatically have access to all the products, relationships, and experience of the university, industry, and government consortium that make up the Center for e-Design, all focused on reducing product development time.