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Lab History




v-CAx Lab is renamed CADLabAugust 2015The v-CAx Lab has been renamed the CADLab to reflect the variety of CAD and CAx related topics that are researched in this lab.
Center of Excellence for Cybersecurity EducationJuly 2012BYU has been designated as a Center of Excellence by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security for it’s cybersecurity education, partly through efforts of Dale Rowe, member of the v-CAx research faculty.
New v-CAx Media RoomFeb 2012Announcing our new multi-user media and conference room - paid from BYU funds and not from member funds! See this PPT LINK
BYU to host Center IAB MeetingOct. 11-13, 2011BYU will host the Center for e-Design semi-annual IAB Meeting at the Provo Marriott, with BYU tours, entertainment, dinner, etc....great place...great time of the year!
New multi-user prototypes developedJune 2011We have developed new multi-user prototypes using Catia CAD and Cubit FEA
v-CAx I/UCRC Site awarded by NSF!Feb. 15, 2011BYU's v-CAx site officially joins the Center for e-Design consortium. Now to improve multi-user collaboration within CAx tools!
Proposal for v-CAx site submitted to NSFSept. 26, 2010After receiving required member commitments from very notable companies, BYU submitted the formal proposal to NSF requesting formal admisssion to the Center for e-Design as a new site, focusing on multi-user CAx.
v-CAx Planning Meeting HeldAug. 11-13, 201016 companies and 29 people attended the planning meeting. In general the attendees were enthusiastic about the projects presented, providing excellent feedback and direction. The meeting was held in parallel with a similar meeting at the Univ. of Puerto Rico using WebEx and conference call audio, with no major problems in video-conferencing.
v-CAx Planning Meeting ScheduledAug. 11-13, 2010To be held at the famous Snowbird resort, outside of Salt Lake City
Planning Meeting planning has begun!March 2010You will be contacted in preparation for our first Planning Meeting. We are aiming for the mid-July to mid-August time frame. We will use Survey Monkey input for member preferences.
BYU Mechanical Engineering receives NSF I/UCRC Planning Grant for v-CAxFeb 2010The Planning Grant Meeting is planned for the summer of 2010. Industry members will be contacted in the Spring for meeting place/time accessibility. The meeting will be used to determine the first set of projects to be conducted as v-CAX R&D and used to submit the final NSF proposal for joining the Center for e-Design Consortium.
NXConnect Prototype Works!2009The v-CAx research group developed an early multi-user CAD prototype built on Siemens NX software, using the NX API. Using a Client-Server implementation and C# programming, graduate students adapted a popular commercial software application for multi-users.